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  • Ethiopia: Lifesaving emergency intervention for most vulnerable Tigray conflict affected people (nutrition, cash and gender-based violence) – ETH947

Ethiopia: Lifesaving emergency intervention for most vulnerable Tigray conflict affected people (nutrition, cash and gender-based violence) – ETH947

After more than 3 months of conflict, the humanitarian situation in Tigray remains precarious. 2.2 Million people predominately mothers and children have been displaced from their home due to the ongoing conflict. The problem has been aggravated by shortage of cash (due to sudden blockage of bank services), shortage of food and non-food items, closure of markets and shops, and shortage of water supply.

The security situation remains volatile, with clashes reported in various locations across the Region and reports of grave violations against civilians, including killings and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) by armed men. Importantly, the incidence of SGBV violations is likely to be much higher given the absence of service providers and the stigma associated with such reporting.

Overall Objective

Lives of Tigray conflict affected people safeguarded as a result of life saving support in nutrition, unconditioned cash support and protection

Specific Objectives

1. Improved access to nutrition services aimed at preventing, identifying and treating severe and moderate acute malnutrition among under 5 children and pregnant and lactating women.

2. Enhanced capacity of crisis-affected vulnerable households through unconditional cash support to meet their basic needs.

3. Improved prevention and response to SGBV in crisis affected communities

Expected Results

1. Rehabilitation of 16,952 children under five and pregnant and lactating women affected by moderate or severe acute malnutrition through establishing and/or strengthening therapeutic and supplementary feeding centers in the target project area.

2. Provision of multi-purpose cash to 1,918 crisis affected vulnerable households to enable the fulfillment of immediate basic needs.

3. Provision of SGBV post violence services in crisis affected communities.

Main Activities
  • Screening of children under five and pregnant and lactating women for acute malnutrition
  • Admission and treatment of 2,160 children (1,102F, 1,058M) under the age of five affected by severe acute malnutrition at stabilization centres (SC) and outpatient therapeutic programs (OTPs).
  • Admission and treatment of 10,013 children < 5 (5,107F, 4,906M) and 4,779 pregnant and lactating women affected by moderate acute malnutrition at food distribution sites/OTPs. 
  • Procurement of necessary equipment and supplies to strengthen existing or establish new TFP (30 OTP and 8 SC) sites.
  • Provide child nutrition and hygiene education for 17,436 individuals (16,756F, 680M) at food distribution points, OTP and SCs.
  • Screening and selection of cash beneficiaries.
  • Conduct gender sensitive cash feasibility rapid market assessment.
  • Identify cash flow mechanisms.
  • Provision of cash to targeted households.
  • Gender Based Violence/Capacity and Vulnerability Analysis and Protection of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse training for key stakeholders.
  • Post distribution monitoring.
  • Rapid Gender Analysis.
  • Distribution of dignity kits for girls and women of a reproductive age.
  • Awareness raising about available SGBV related services and provision of psychosocial support for 120 individuals (61F/59M) through counselling services and clinical management of rape services for 120 post violence rape victims (Women/Girls).



Tigray Region, Ethiopia


A total of 29,679 (23,010 women and girls, as well as 6,669 men and boys) will directly benefit from the project.


15.04.2021 – 30.04.2023

Total Budget

€ 1,030,000


This project is funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

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