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  • Syria: Protection & Basic Needs Multi-sector Response in Syria, Phase II – SYR913

Syria: Protection & Basic Needs Multi-sector Response in Syria, Phase II – SYR913

Access to sufficient and affordable safe water, adequate sanitation, solid waste management and/or hygiene supplies remain a significant challenge for both IDPs and host communities. Ongoing violence, widespread poverty, loss of livelihoods and housing, protracted and multiple cycles of displacement, among other issues, have led people to resort to harmful coping mechanisms such as different forms of exploitation, child/forced marriage, child labour or child recruitment. Different forms of GBV are routinely used to reinforce norms of dominant masculinity. The COVID-19 pandemic compounded existing vulnerabilities as the availability of and access to services has reduced, and GBV within the home increased. During the winter season, already dire living conditions in IDP sites are exacerbated, in particular for people living in tents, unfinished/damaged buildings or other makeshift shelter, which do not protect them from harsh weather.

Overall Objective

To provide life-saving response to emergency needs and protection concerns of the most vulnerable populations in Northern Syria.

Specific Objective

To address immediate multi-sector needs and protection concerns of vulnerable women, men, girls and boys in Northern Syria.

Expected Results

ER1: Vulnerable women, men, girls, and boys have adequate access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services and hygiene practices.

ER2: Women, girls, men, and boys have access to quality, appropriate and timely Gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response services.

ER3: Vulnerable women, men, girls, and boys have adequate access to cash to address their winterization needs.

ER4: Vulnerable women, men, girls, and boys have adequate access to WASH services, hygiene practices and winterisation items.

Main Activities
  • Provision of sufficient, safe water supplies (water system rehabilitation and maintenance, water trucking, and water storage)
  • Provision of solid waste management services
  • Maintenance of latrines/hand washing stations, provision of desludging services, and rehabilitation of sanitation and drainage systems
  • Provision of GBV case management services for GBV survivors (including integrated cash/in-kind assistance)
  • Provision of psychosocial support through individual and group counselling
  • Facilitation of referrals for GBV survivors or at-risk individuals through mobile outreach and protection help desk
  • Awareness raising and information provision for GBV prevention
  • Provision of life skills sessions and skills building trainings to women and girls
  • Conduct multi-sectoral needs assessment/market assessment in target areas
  • Distribution of cash for winterization
  • Distribution of water storage supplies
  •  Light rehabilitation and maintenance of water sources/stations/networks and filling points for safe water
  • Installation of latrines and hand washing stations and septic pits
  • Promotion of safe hygiene behaviours, including proper handwashing, to mitigate the spread of COVID-19
  • Garbage collection and distribution of garbage bins
  • Distribution of winterization clothes kits

Syrian Arab Republic


149,040 individuals (77,233 female and 71,807 male)


01.10.2022 – 31.03.2023

Total Budget

€ 4,227,000


This project is funded by the European Union.

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