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  • Ukraine: Immediate humanitarian assistance for people affected by the conflict in Ukraine – UKR901

Ukraine: Immediate humanitarian assistance for people affected by the conflict in Ukraine – UKR901

The security situation in Ukraine deteriorated rapidly following the launch of a Russian Federation military operation on 24 February 2022. The intense military escalation has resulted in loss of life, injuries and put the lives and security of tens of millions of people at great risk, creating a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation inside the country as well as in its border areas. With the scale and direction of the ongoing military operation, the UN estimates 18 million people will be affected by the conflict, including up to 6.7 million people projected to become newly internally displaced. Women and girls, already susceptible to various forms of gender-based violence, and sexual exploitation and abuse, will be even further at risk of gender-based violence, including conflict related sexual violence. The most acute, critical needs are multi-sectoral ranging from food, water, hygiene items, key non-food items such as matrasses, sleeping bags and blankets to psychosocial support and protection, and sanitation facilities.   


Provide timely lifesaving multi-sectoral assistance to displaced and non-displaced persons, who are affected by the escalation of hostilities. 
Support provision of basic services in areas impacted by the escalation of hostilities. 

Activities and Results

Multi-Purpose Cash & Food Security: Multipurpose cash assistance will be carried out wherever operationally feasible. The action will also provide ready to eat rations and emergency food baskets in areas where markets are disrupted and nutrition response is required.  
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): The action will support individual households and social institutions such as health care facilities and shelters with emergency water provision, emergency repairs of water supply systems and sanitation facilities, and solid waste management in critical areas. Hygiene items, including baby and dignity items, for internally displaced persons (IDPs)/refugees will be distributed.  
Protection: The action will provide Psychological First Aid and psychosocial support (PSS) to individuals affected by the conflict escalation. A 24/7 hotline service provides support by specialised psychologists free of charge. Training and coaching on innovative PSS methodologies for local practitioners will be provided and safe spaces for women and girls in affected communities, collective centres and other places of reception of IDPs/refugees will be established. 
Shelter & Non-Food Items: Emergency shelter assistance and core emergency NFIs (sleeping bags, blankets, matrasses, etc.), as well as shelter materials, temporary shelter options for individual households and collective centres such as winterised tents for areas which have received large influx of IDPs will be provided. Rent of new premises represents a major burden on many of the newly displaced families, thus financial support (in terms of dedicated cash-for-rent grants) will also be considered for the most vulnerable of the displaced families. 
Financial support to local responders: The humanitarian response within Ukraine relies largely on capacities and resources of local responders – local NGOs, community-based organisation and local institutions. The action will financially support existing partners as well as new community-based organisations and small response groups.  




Approx. 8,865 beneficiaries 


01.03.2022 – 31.08.2022

Total Budget 

1,000,000 EUR 

Partner Organisation

People in Need  


This project is funded by CARE Österreich.

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